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Vinegar: A Bad Choice for Acid Reflux

Vinegar: A Bad Choice for Acid Reflux in Albany or MaconWhen it comes to acid reflux, there are many so-called “remedies.” Because gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a persistent problem with many different causes, you may have tried a hundred at-home solutions to rid yourself of acid reflux in Albany or Macon. Unfortunately, heartburn “cures” like apple cider vinegar are scientifically-faulty—though many people use vinegar in an attempt to find quick reflux relief, it often has the opposite effect.

The Problem with the Vinegar Remedy

Acid reflux can, understandably, be prompted by acidic foods. This is why so many reflux sufferers steer clear of citrus fruits and tomato-based products: their high acid content makes them surefire reflux triggers for most people.
Some swear by apple cider vinegar as a fast-acting reflux cure, claiming that drinking two tablespoons of the stuff in a glass of water will neutralize your stomach acid. There’s just one problem: apple cider vinegar, like all vinegars, is highly acidic. Though this is one of the most talked-about remedies for acid reflux, there is no scientific evidence to back up its effectiveness—in fact, vinegar’s acetic acid can actually burn your esophagus on its own.

Finding a Better Solution

As you struggle to control acid reflux in Albany or Macon, you may come across many home remedies that seductively claim to be quick fixes for reflux, but it’s important to take them with a grain of salt. As you become more aware of what triggers your symptoms, you’ll realize that many of these claims are not logical solutions. Some will tell you that lemon juice offers effective reflux relief, but lemons (along with limes) have the highest concentration of citric acid in all citrus fruits.
It’s important to note that not everyone responds to the same foods in the same ways. Many people swear that remedies like apple cider vinegar work for them, and though the science may be faulty, some speculate that a placebo effect could be the reason. If you feel that apple cider vinegar does work for you, it may be a topic worth discussing with Dr. Bagnato.
The lesson here is to simply stay aware and skeptical of anything that offers a quick remedy for reflux. Drinking water, reducing stress and eating a low-fat, low-acid diet are far more effective strategies and will not put you at risk of making your symptoms worse.
Have you come across any other questionable remedies for acid reflux in Albany or Macon? Tell us about them in the comments below!


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