The prospect of losing weight through lap-band surgery can be very exciting, especially if you’ve been living with obesity for a long time. However, potential lap-band patients should understand that having bariatric surgery won’t just change how much you weigh or what you look like. To improve your chances of success after surgery, it’s important to emotionally prepare yourself for your new life before you have surgery.
Success is a commitment.
Before having surgery, you should emotionally prepare yourself for making a long-term commitment. You’ll be required to make significant lifestyle changes, including changing the way you eat and adding exercise to your daily life. In order to stick with these commitments, you may need to reach out to a support network of family, friends, and other bariatric patients. Be prepared to do whatever you need in order to stick with your dietary guidelines and exercise recommendations.
You are a priority.
After surgery, you may find that exercising, meal planning, and follow-up appointments require setting aside more time for yourself than you’re used to. While you certainly deserve this time, it may cause you to set boundaries that make you uncomfortable initially. You might find it hard, at first, to take time away from other people or activities in order to focus on yourself. Understand that your health and well-being is worth the time, and the overall reaction from your family and friends should be positive.
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