Author: Palmyra Surgical
Nuts about Heartburn
When it comes to talking about foods that cause heartburn, nuts don’t get much attention. Spicy foods, acidic fruits and caffeine take the spotlight off of other culprits that are lingering in our diets. One of these lesser recognized foods are tree nuts.
Heartburn and Your Diet
For many people in Macon and Atlanta, heartburn is no stranger. The classic delicacies that make the South feel like home are often guilty of being spicy, fried and loaded with fats and oils. These foods are dangerous enough in small quantities, but many people aren’t able to hold themselves to just a bite or…
Breathe Away Heartburn
Are acid reflux and heartburn driving you up the wall? Take a deep breath—you’ll feel better. Though a visit to a GERD surgeon is the only way to rid yourself of these symptoms for good, every one of us possesses one powerful tool when it comes to reflux relief: our lungs.
Step Away from the Soda
Did you know that nearly every bottled or canned drink is acidic… by law? In 1973, the United States Congress administered a law that gave the Food and Drug Administration the power to regulate all canned or bottled goods crossing our borders. As a response to an outbreak of botulism, Title 21 specified new requirements…
You Say Tomato, I Say GERD
For many people, there are very specific foods that aggravate the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Macon is home to fabulous southern cooking, but certain foods used in scrumptious Southern fare are pretty much out of the question when it comes to preventing reflux. Spicy foods, garlic, onion and coffee are all on…
Finding Your Inner Weight Loss Resolve
After Lap Band surgery, your motivation levels are going to fluctuate. Though you may be filled with optimism as you read this article and are ready to make the right choice regardless of what comes, your resolve may weaken later when temptation rears its head.