Author: Palmyra Surgical

  • Smoking: A Culprit in the World of Reflux

    In the past two decades, a lot of research has come out about tobacco use—and the news hasn’t been good for tobacco companies. Whereas once smoking appeared to be a harmless pastime, something that just about everyone did, inside and outdoors, that isn’t the game anymore. Tobacco use continues to decline across the United States,…

  • For Acid Reflux, Put the Soda Down

    For Acid Reflux, Put the Soda Down

    Soda is hands-down one of the most popular drinks in the United States. This can be proven on the number of sales alone. Based on national sale data, there is enough soda sold annually for every adult to drink a full 45 gallons of soda per year. There are aquariums sold that are smaller than…

  • Acid Reflux More Common than Ever

    Americans are dealing with more health problems now than they ever had in the past. This is based on statistical data that finds that chronic diseases are pretty much on the rise across the board. One of the biggest causes of this startling rise in health problems is obesity, which directly affects more than one-third…

  • Chewing away Heartburn

    Chewing away Heartburn

    Acid reflux is one of the most common ailments experienced by adults in the United States. While some are lucky to only feel the pain of heartburn every once in a while, millions of US adults have symptoms of the condition more than once a week.

  • Never Too Late for Weight Loss

    Never Too Late for Weight Loss

    By this point it is a well-known fact that obesity rates have been on the rise. It’s been all over the news, HBO put out a multi-part documentary on the subject and countless books have been published, all echoing the fact that in the last 30 years obesity rates have more than doubled. The South,…

  • GERD: Why Diet Will Always Matter

    Acid reflux disease is a chronic health problem that impacts about 60 percent of the US adult population. Another chronic health problem that is currently an issue with about the same number of US adults: obesity. The foods you choose to eat, and how much food you eat, have a direct influence on your acid…

  • Education is Key after Weight Loss Surgery

    Education is Key after Weight Loss Surgery

    There is a wealth of research indicating that those who focus on making changes to their lifestyle habits prior to weight loss surgery are the most successful at reaching their weight loss goals and maintaining their new healthy weight in the future. Much of what makes the difference here is education. Those who take the…

  • Aspirin and Esophageal Cancer: The Connection

    Aspirin is regarded as one of the best resources available in preventing heart attacks. Daily use of aspiring is only recommended for those who are deemed at risk for chronic heart disease, but when used correctly the blood thinner has helped save the life of countless individuals.

  • Red Meat & Weight Loss: What you need to know

    Red Meat & Weight Loss: What you need to know

    There is a reason omnivores face an ongoing dilemma. Meat plays a big role in our diets. According to the Wall Street Journal, the average American eats more than 50 pounds of poultry in a year, and more than 70 pounds of red meat. While meat presents us with a consistent source of protein, there…

  • OTC Woes: Acid Reflux Treatment Problems

    Acid reflux is one of the most common health problems affecting Americans, with as many as one in three US adults experiencing symptoms of heartburn or regurgitation at least once a month. Life with acid reflux is really no secret for many of these people. In fact, there are a lot of celebrities who are…