Author: Palmyra Surgical
Genes Linked to Esophageal Disease
Scientists have recently discovered three key genes that have been linked to esophageal diseases. The scientists found that the three genes, ASCC1 , CTHRC1 and MSR1, are much more likely to have mutations in people that have esophageal cancer or Barrett esophagus, which is a precursor to esophageal cancer. The scientists looked at 116 cases…
Treating Heartburn at Home
If you think you are experiencing frequent heartburn or acid reflux there is a chance that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. But what is acid reflux, and why are you experiencing it so often?
Hernias may cause GERD
A hiatal hernia is commonly caused by weak tissues and muscles surrounding the diaphragm, causing part of the stomach to slide into the chest through an opening in the diaphragm, called the hiatus. The majority of people that have a hiatal hernia do not experience any symptoms. However heartburn can often be an indication of…
Obesity Surgery and You
Not every adult who wants, or needs, to lose weight is a good candidate for bariatric surgery. However, if one or more of these criteria applies to you, then surgery for weight loss may be an option for you.
How to Control GERD While Travelling
Everyday life can be exhausting, which is why many people enjoy taking vacations. However, even vacation can cause headaches of its own. This is especially true if you regularly experience GERD or heartburn. In order to fully enjoy your time off, heed these tips for managing heartburn while you’re away from home.
Weight Loss for Your Well Being
There is a lot of conflicting information available that promises to help you lose weight. With the overwhelming abundance of information and advertising stressing health and fitness, it can be difficult to decipher what is truly going to lead to weight loss and a lifetime of improved health.
6 Drinks to Avoid with Heartburn
Most people have heartburn from time to time. This burning, painful feeling is experienced in the throat or chest and is caused by stomach acid that backs up into the esophagus. People who have heartburn twice a week or more are often diagnosed with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by their local Georgia doctor. GERD is…
Weight Loss Surgery Often Helps Migraines
A recent study has shown that adjustable lap band surgery can help curb migraine headaches in almost 90 percent of obese migraine sufferers.