Author: Palmyra Surgical

  • Exercising and GERD

    Exercising is one of the best ways to improve your health. However, certain medical problems, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), may be aggravated by exercise.

  • Obesity Drugs Struggle Despite an Overwhelming Need

    While the news states that the new weight loss medication Contrave will most likely be approved in September 2014, the struggles the drug has faced so far hint about the challenges obesity drugs have had historically in the U.S. In the last 13 years, only two drugs have been approved by the FDA, including Qsymia…

  • Triggers for Overeating

    There are many triggers for overeating that you will face each day after weight loss surgery. Most of them are external and easily identified. Group dinners, parties, buffets and celebrations are just a few of those external triggers that you, as a bariatric patient will have to navigate with care.

  • Exercising After Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

    Exercise is recommended for just about everyone, but there are situations when checking with a doctor before engaging in activity is necessary. People with certain conditions such as heart or kidney disease, diabetes and especially those recovering from surgical weight loss should always consult a physician before taking part in strenuous activities.

  • Breathing Exercises for GERD

    To avoid the potential complications associated with GERD it is important to seek treatment for your symptoms. Generally treatment for GERD involves over the counter medications such as antacids, prescription medications such as proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers and lifestyle changes. Sometimes, home remedies such as aloe, slippery elm, chewing gum or licorice are…

  • Home Remedies for GERD

    GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is frequent and sometimes chronic heartburn that can be painful, disruptive and potentially serious if not properly treated. Without treatment, the acid being pushed up from your stomach will not only cause a number of uncomfortable symptoms, but could also lead to further health complications such as:

  • Loving Yourself after Weight Loss Surgery

    Loving Yourself after Weight Loss Surgery

    Finding a positive body image can be a struggle for a lot of us, especially following weight loss surgery. Even though your surgery provided you with an opportunity to lose your excess weight and promote better health, you may still be holding on to the negative thoughts from your past. Struggling with obesity is a…

  • Drinks to Avoid with Acid Reflux

    If you suffer from acid reflux disease (also called gastroesophageal reflux or GERD), it’s important to be aware of particular foods and drinks which might trigger your reflux. While every person may react differently, there are some foods and drinks that are more likely to trigger symptoms of acid reflux than others.

  • Pregnancy and GERD

    Pregnancy and GERD

    During pregnancy, heartburn and the symptoms of GERD are more likely to occur. These symptoms may occur at any time during the pregnancy and can become worse throughout the duration.

  • Lowering Blood Pressure without Medication

    Lowering Blood Pressure without Medication

    After weight loss surgery, your doctor may prescribe you medication for hypertension depending on your blood pressure levels. However, there are certain habits and lifestyle changes that you can adopt to keep your blood pressure levels in check, or prevent them from getting to unhealthy levels. You don’t have to choose between making these changes…