Category: Reflux Guide

  • Olive Oil and GERD

    Many people are surprised to learn that the common cooking ingredient olive oil can actually prompt acid reflux symptoms. Like other oils, olive oil has a high in fat content and can cause the lower esophageal sphincter or LES to relax, leading to heartburn and acid reflux. This is why fried foods are on the…

  • Making Your Home a Reflux-Free Sanctuary

    Though we may not always realize it, our environments have a powerful impact on the way we behave.

  • Get Fit and Fight GERD at Home

    No matter who you are, exercise is one of the most important things you can give your body. But if you’re stuck at home reeling from heartburn or dreading its next attack, the thought of going for a jog down to the gym may be far from your mind. Fortunately, the solution may be simple:…

  • Cooking Away Acid Reflux in Albany

    Cooking can have many benefits for your health. The biggest benefit of cooking your own meals is the control it gives you over every bite you eat. When you prepare a meal you are aware of every single ingredient that enters your mouth. This means that you can cut out problematic ingredients while using items…

  • Vinegar: A Bad Choice for Acid Reflux

    When it comes to acid reflux, there are many so-called “remedies.” Because gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a persistent problem with many different causes, you may have tried a hundred at-home solutions to rid yourself of acid reflux in Albany or Macon. Unfortunately, heartburn “cures” like apple cider vinegar are scientifically-faulty—though many people use vinegar…

  • Diet Supplements and Heartburn

    The only way to completely overcome GERD is surgery to repair the damaged lower esophageal sphincter, or the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus.

  • Trim the Fat for Heartburn Relief

    Though many things you eat and drink can spark heartburn in Macon or Albany, fat is one of the most common triggers. This is because fatty foods take longer for your stomach to digest, leading to acid backup. They also relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscular ring that prevents stomach contents from refluxing…

  • Top Foods to Fight Indigestion

    When it comes to heartburn and indigestion in Albany and Macon, it seems like we hear a great deal about how this food causes these symptoms, and how that meal will make your heartburn worse. Well, it may be surprising to learn that there are actually foods that can help fight acid reflux. By eating…

  • Relax Your Muscles to Relieve Acid Reflux

    Preventing acid reflux and indigestion in Albany and Macon often amounts to watching what you eat, but a healthy diet isn’t all that helps. Stress is also a big contributor to the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and finding ways to manage it effectively can be an asset as you work to ease the…

  • Natural Solutions to Indigestion

    If you only experience the pain of heartburn once in a blue moon then you are among the lucky ones. For millions of Americans this pain is frequent and severe, causing them to consider the consequences of daily actions like eating, sleeping and exercising before going about with their regular business. This group of individuals…