Category: Reflux Guide
Heartburn and Healthy Bacteria
Inside each and every one of us is a world we don’t fully understand. Though you may often hear similar words uttered by yogis or gurus, the world I’m referring to is not a spiritual one. Each of our bodies is home to millions of teeming bacteria, a thriving and mysterious ecosystem that affects countless…
Drinking Tea for Acid Reflux
For those suffering from occasional acid reflux in Macon or Atlanta, pay close attention to the liquids you consume. Caffeinated beverages and sodas can potentially worsen symptoms of acid reflux. Limiting your consumption of such beverages may help, but giving up flavorful drinks for the sake of preventing acid reflux can be tough.
Don’t Ignore Your Heartburn!
If you’re suffering from heartburn in Macon on a regular basis, don’t be part of the 60 percent of sufferers who don’t discuss their condition with a doctor.
Chocolate The Sweet Price of Acid Reflux
Our love for chocolate dates back thousands of years. For some people, chocolate is the ultimate “feel good” food—literally. Chocolate consumption is known to trigger natural opiates or “feel good” endorphins such as serotonin in the brain, but for sufferers of chronic acid reflux in Macon and Albany, chocolate may result in more harm than…
Is Your Hiatal Hernia Causing Acid Reflux?
Depending on the size of the hiatal hernia and severity of acid reflux, your GERD surgeon may suggest undergoing a procedure known as Nissen fundoplication.
Non-Invasive Surgery to Treat Heartburn
If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, the only way to experience full reprieve from the constant heartburn and acid reflux is by undergoing surgical repair of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
Working Out and Reflux: Cause and Effect
When you have GERD, the circular muscle or sphincter between your stomach and esophagus is weakened, allowing acid to escape up into the esophagus. This causes people to experience heartburn, reflux of digestive fluids, and possibly after extended periods, severe problems such as Barrett’s Esophagus and esophageal cancer.
Treating Heartburn at Home
For those who are not suffering from GERD and are looking for ways to cope with their irregular heartburn, or regular heartburn that is not bothering them more than once a week, then it may be possible to find relief at home through supplements, lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications.
The Heartburn & Weight Loss Connection
We talk about our heart health, our joint health and our mental health, but when you put everything together you get one highly functioning being. One health defect can act as a wrench in this otherwise perfect system: a single thing goes wrong and it affects other areas of our health as well.
Portion Perfect
If you suffer from frequent heartburn and acid reflux in Macon, then chances are you already know the perils of a large meal. Eating too much stresses the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and puts too much pressure on your stomach as it fills with food. On top of that, eating too much causes weight gain…