Category: Weight Loss Guide
No Spank You
Like a modernized, spandex version of the corset, undergarments called shaping underwear or control pants work to streamline your physique, squeezing in your gut by fitting tightly over it. Though this may sound like a great idea to make your stomach look firmer than it really is, control pants could have more negative effects for…
Are You Unintentionally Eating Breakfast Twice?
Many working adults are confronted with the option of a second, more delicious breakfast they arrive to work. This happens most when the office secretary happens to bring in a dozen warm, gooey doughnuts for someone’s birthday or there is any early-morning meeting with a lovely display of muffins and baked goods to entice your…
A New Ch-Ch-Ch-Chapter for Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia
Though the days of everyone and his dog growing tiny sprouts from terra cotta kittens, hippos and Homer Simpson heads may be behind us, the plant that made Chia Pets such a craze in the 80’s and 90’s is making a comeback in health food stores around the country. High in fiber, Omega-3, 6 and…
Bariatric Surgery Improves Psoriatic Symptoms
Bariatric surgery has an array of beneficial effects on pre-existing comorbidities—a recent study shows bariatric surgery for obesity has beneficial effects on psoriatic symptoms.
Study: Weight loss surgery helps kidney disease patients
The benefits of weight loss surgery outweigh the risk of complications for clinically obese people who suffer from chronic kidney disease, according to the recently released findings of a new study. The researchers studied the results of weight loss surgeries performed on more than 27,000 people between 2006 and 2008.
Improve Self-Esteem through Meditation
You are told repeatedly what a beautiful and kind person you are, yet you still feel so insecure. You may even think people give you compliments just to make you feel better. Feeling this insecure all the time is no way to live your life. You will be a much happier person if you learn…
15 Minute Workout
It is important to take a mental break from your day and head to the gym for an hour, but sometimes that just isn’t an option. This is understandable, but a lack of time in your schedule should not mean that you do not get to work out at all. Your plan for weight loss…
Are You Really Happy After Splurging?
Most people who attempt dieting complain that the temptations of desserts, fast food, potato chips and other delicious foods are overwhelmingly difficult to overcome. There are times when a dieter can think of nothing but how much they want an ice cream sundae. A lot of rationalization goes into the purchase of a treat that…
Vitamin D may aid in Weight Loss
One of the most important nutrients in the human diet is Vitamin D. Vitamin D is most well-known for its role in the absorption of calcium for bone strength. Those who suffer from obesity want strong bones because they tend to put more strain on their bones, especially near the knees. Taking a vitamin D…