Tag: Bariatric Surgery Lifestyle
Managing Special Occasions after Weight Loss Surgery
Every time you turn the corner there is another fast food restaurant or bakery loaded with its own temptations, and you do what you can to stand strong and stick to your post-bariatric diet plan.
Healthy Shopping Strategies for a Healthy Household
When one person in a household gets weight loss surgery, it is actually common for other members of that household to lose weight too. This is called a “halo effect.”
Mindful Eating After Bariatric Surgery
After weight loss surgery, the amount of food you can ingest comfortably is greatly reduced. However, training your body and mind to eat less may prove to be difficult at first. Being mindful of your eating habits will help you eat smaller portions while making your dining experience more pleasurable.
Dealing with a Weight Loss Plateau after Bariatric Surgery
Have you been consistently losing weight, but suddenly you can’t seem to make any more progress? Reaching a weight loss plateau is common after bariatric surgery. It’s entirely normal, and no matter how hard you try or how well you follow diet and exercise guidelines, it can happen.
Education is Key after Weight Loss Surgery
There is a wealth of research indicating that those who focus on making changes to their lifestyle habits prior to weight loss surgery are the most successful at reaching their weight loss goals and maintaining their new healthy weight in the future. Much of what makes the difference here is education. Those who take the…
Craving Coverage: Resisting Cravings for Weight Loss
There are certain things that your body needs to survive. This includes water, essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. When you run low on these fundamental components of your diet you’ll start to experience some pretty severe consequences, including malnourishment and dehydration.
Education for Bariatric Surgery Success
Psychologists have proven that people who are well prepared for the realities of their weight management program are typically more successful than people who go into a program full of hope but a bit fuzzy on the details.
Finding Time after Weight Loss Surgery
Being “busy” has overrun many people’s lives. After weight loss surgery, you need to stop busyness in its tracks – especially when it leaves you with little time for important habits like working out and following the post lap-band eating guidelines.
Manage Anxiety after Bariatric Surgery
Stress and anxiety are pretty common during the months and weeks leading up to weight loss surgery as you mentally and physically prepare for your new lifestyle.
How to Exercise with Elastic Bands
If you’re trying to find a gentle work out after your weight loss surgery and find that going to a gym is too expensive or inconvenient, elastic bands are a convenient way to practice resistance training at home.