Tag: Understanding Acid Reflux Disease
When to Worry About Heartburn
Having a burning sensation in your chest can be scary, even if you’re pretty sure it’s just heartburn caused by acid reflux. How can you be sure the pain in your chest isn’t something more serious?
Is your heartburn triggered by exercise
Does aerobic exercise burn your muscles and your stomach? If your cardio routine triggers heartburn, you may have a weak or relaxed lower esophageal sphincter (LES) that’s allowing food or stomach acid to flow back up into your esophagus. Find out how you can avoid heartburn without giving up your fitness.
Lifestyle changes for Mild Reflux
By making a few simple changes to your lifestyle, you can reduce the frequency and severity of your heartburn.
Heartburn Triggers
Portrayed in television commercials as the predictable result of greasy dinner fare, heartburn can be triggered by many foods and eating habits. Heartburn is caused by either an irritation of the esophagus or an enlargement of the cardiac sphincter that normally keeps stomach acid away from the esophagus. The enlargement of the cardiac sphincter can…
Hiatal Hernia and Heartburn
The acid that lines your stomach to aid in food digestion is a powerful substance. It helps to break down food in order to get it ready for the rest of its journey through your small intestines and colon.
Heartburn or Heart Attack?
There is a popular notion that many people suffer from heart attacks without ever getting treatment because they don’t realize they are having a heart attack. Instead they assume they are suffering from heartburn and gas. This notion is supported by statistics that suggest 50% of people suffering from heart attack wait more than two…
Heartburn Safe Diet
If you are looking for a “heartburn safe” diet, it may not be as difficult as you think to find one. Simply put, eating smaller amounts of bland, mild foods will usually land you in the safe zone when it comes to the discomfort of heartburn.
Reflux Disease Triggers
Chances are if you have chronic heartburn, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), then you are well aware of what foods give you heartburn.
Holiday Recipes Makeover
A large holiday meal loaded with extra fat can mean trouble for acid reflux sufferers. No matter how much we look forward to our favorite holiday treats, high fat and large amounts of food in the stomach are classic causes of heartburn.
The Heartburn-Tobacco Connection
You probably already know that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. Quitting can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. But did you know that smoking could also give you heartburn?