Tag: Understanding Acid Reflux Disease
Avoiding Hidden Acid in Food
Sometimes, acid reflux triggers are obvious. Oranges, chocolate, coffee—these are well-known problem foods for heartburn sufferers, and if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you may already working hard to avoid them. But there are some foods that are much less overt about their acid-boosting properties.
Do You Have GERD, or Just Heartburn?
For many people, heartburn is only an occasional problem, causing momentary discomfort after a meal.
Fresh Fruits and Veggies for Your Acid Reflux Diet
Filled with common reflux triggers like tomatoes, peppers and oranges, the produce section of the supermarket can seem like a minefield for those who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
BBQ Without the Burn of Acid Reflux
A hot Georgia summer is the perfect time for a cookout, but for acid reflux sufferers, good food choices at a barbecue are a crucial part of avoiding heartburn. To stay symptom-free at any BBQ bash, it will help to remember all of your personal triggers and keep tips like these in mind.
The Realities of Reflux: Debunking Myths about GERD
Popular myths can distort the way we think about conditions like acid reflux and heartburn, making it harder to find relief and the proper form of treatment.
Unexpected Triggers of Acid Reflux
If you suffer from acid reflux, you’ve probably started to compile a list of all the things that cause your symptoms.
Chew Gum to Ease Heartburn
Though gum may not seem useful for anything but blowing bubbles and freshening breath, it can actually be a valuable tool for those who suffer from acid reflux. Research shows that a humble stick of chewing gum can go a long way in relieving the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), making it a potentially…
Pain-Free Meals for Acid Reflux Sufferers
If you suffer from heartburn and acid reflux, deciding what to eat can become pretty frustrating. When so many foods have the potential to cause discomfort, every meal can seem like a minefield, making it a challenge to plan each bite. If you’ve been at a loss about what to eat with acid reflux, try…
Feeling the Heartburn
If bending down to do a push-up causes more of a burn in your chest than it does in your arms, you may be dealing with exercise-induced heartburn. This type of heartburn and acid reflux feels the same as other flare-ups of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but what triggers the onset of symptoms is much…
Why the Right Side is the Wrong Side for Sleeping with Acid Reflux
Your ability to avoid acid reflux at night doesn’t just hinge on how late you eat or how high you raise the head of your bed.