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Advances in Laparoscopic Surgery Techniques

Three port laparoscopic, or three incision surgery is a safer way to lose unwanted weight for those individuals who are suffering from obesity. While this procedure has been around for many years and became the forerunner, having replaced five port surgery, it is now on the verge of being replaced by a less invasive procedure, single port or one incision surgery. Single port surgery is the latest advance in this type of laparoscopic surgery.

[flashvideo file=http://c0509732.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/dr.bagnato-sils.flv image=http://c0509732.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/dr-bagnato-port-placement.jpg /]

Single port surgery is performed using a telescopic rod that is connected to a video camera for the doctors to see as they begin working on an individual’s body. The equipment is inserted through a very small incision in the abdominal area.

Although Single Incision Lapband (SILS) surgery has been done in some centers around the country, In March I performed Southwest Geogia’s first SILS procedure. The procedure I performed is different from what other surgeons have done because what we did is truly cosmetic. The incision I made was placed at the belly button; the scar will be hidden when it heals. Other surgeons usually make a 2 to 3 inch incision in the upper abdomen. In that location, the scar is plainly visible, through a single incision at the belly button, though, the scar is much more cosmetic.
Single Incision Lapband surgery
Being the first to perform the single incision surgery at the belly button is consistent with my commitment to bringing the best and latest surgical techniques to our patients. Putting a 2 inch incision on the upper abdomen is not really a true advance. If we’re going to embrace a new approach, then we’re going to kick the can down the road, not kick it sideways and claim it was kicked down the road.


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