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Bariatric Surgery Improves Psoriatic Symptoms

Bariatric Surgery Improves Psoriatic SymptomsBariatric surgery has an array of beneficial effects on pre-existing comorbidities—a recent study shows bariatric surgery for obesity has beneficial effects on psoriatic symptoms. Psoriasis is a common skin disease affecting the life cycle of skin cells causing them to rapidly build on the surface of the skin. This forms sometimes painful thick silvery scales and itchy, dry, red patches. For some people, psoriasis is a long-lasting, persistent disease but for others it can be disabling, especially when associated with arthritis.

Compared to people of normal weight, psoriasis is more common and severe for people who are obese. The study investigated the effects of bariatric surgery on comorbidities such as psoriasis, and monitored symptoms and severity of psoriasis before and after bariatric surgery in 10 obese patients.

After surgery, results showed that 70 percent of the patients had a remission of their psoriasis symptoms that was continual for at least six months. Also, three of the four patients who were previously on systemic drug therapy for their psoriasis were able to stop their medication.

The Dermatology Life Quality Index scored the impact of psoriasis on the patients’ quality of life before and after surgery. The overall patients’ score improved significantly from a score of 14.9 before to a 5.0 after their bariatric surgeries.

Researchers also analyzed the improvement of other comorbidities in the patients as a result of bariatric surgery—a 75 percent resolution of diabetes was recorded for those who previously suffered from the condition before surgery. Also, these patients experienced a 100 percent resolution of insulin resistance and a 57 percent resolution of hypertension.

These results bring hopeful news for people suffering from obesity who are also dealing with the condition of psoriasis. Researchers hope bariatric surgery will be considered as a useful adjuvant therapy for obese patients with psoriasis in the future after conducting additional long-term studies.

It is important to note, even if you are someone who is suffering from obesity but not psoriasis that studies show obesity in adults is also linked with a higher risk of developing psoriasis.

If you are someone who is suffering from being severely overweight or obese and are considering weight loss surgery for treatment, it’s important to talk with your bariatric surgeon in Macon to discuss all of the additional benefits, beyond improved psoriatic symptoms, bariatric surgery can have for your indivual weight loss journey.



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