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Building a Support System

Building a Support System after LAP-BAND SurgeryWhen you’re trying to make changes in your life, it’s best to have a little help to stay on track. After LAP-BAND surgery, you’ll need to change your eating habits, and having a support network of medical professionals, friends, family members and peers can help you stay motivated and experience better results.

Your support system can start with your bariatric surgeon and our staff, but it doesn’t have to end there. By reaching out to and maintaining relationships with a variety of helpful others, you can make your support system an instrumental part of your success.

Look for support after LAP-BAND surgery from:

Your Bariatric Team

From the moment you enter our doors, we’re here to guide and support you. Regular follow-up visits will give you a chance to ask questions and seek assistance and advice. We have a team of weight loss professionals who will do everything they can to help you achieve lasting results.

However, you don’t have to wait for your next appointment if you need a helping hand. If you ever have questions or need help, contact us through our website or call one of our offices:

  • Macon Office: (478) 471-8484
  • Albany Office: (229) 432-8484
  • Fill Center: (478) 476-8045

Peers & Support Groups

Sometimes it helps to speak with other people who know exactly what you’re going through. By attending support groups, you’ll be able to form relationships with others who have had or will have bariatric surgery and help each other by sharing what you’ve learned from your experiences.

Support groups also give you the chance to speak with the experts who lead the groups. At a support group, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, swap stories and get practical advice for living with your gastric band. Take a look at our seminar and support group calendar to see when our next meeting is.

Family and Friends

Your friends and family members can provide daily encouragement and emotional support, which will make it easier to stick to your healthy habits. Talking to these people about the changes you’re making and the experiences you’re having will give you a group of people in your everyday life who are cheering for you to succeed.

These people will likely be happy to help, but unsure of where to begin. Talk to those closest to you about your new lifestyle, or ask them to share a workout or a healthy meal with you. Fill them in on what’s going on in your life and let them know how they can help you, and what they may be doing that isn’t so helpful.

It will be especially important to explain your new diet and lifestyle needs to your spouse, children, roommates and anyone else you live with. Start by asking for them to remain positive and supportive of your efforts, and for tempting junk foods to be kept out of the house. You may find that your progress inspires those around you to change their lives as well, and if you work with your friends and family to improve your health together, it will make it even easier to reach your own goals.

Online Resources

No matter what you’re experiencing, someone else out there has gone through the same thing. Your support system can extend online, where forums and social media groups make it easy to connect with other people all over the world who can offer answers and advice about life after bariatric surgery.

You can start with our Facebook page, which is a great place to talk to other people who have had LAP-BAND surgery in the Macon and Albany areas. You can also check out websites like:

  • LapBandTalk. This online community is dedicated exclusively to helping LAP-BAND patients find support and information. With forums, chat rooms, blogs, photos and more, this site is a great place to connect with other LAP-BAND patients everywhere.
  • ObesityHelp. This site encompasses all different types of bariatric surgery and has forums and online communities dedicated to a wide variety of topics related to weight loss.

No one has to go through the changes of LAP-BAND alone. Seeking the advice and emotional support of others will help you stay motivated, positive and on the right track.


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