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A New Ch-Ch-Ch-Chapter for Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia

Could the seeds of the “pottery that grows” have nutritional benefits?

Though the days of everyone and his dog growing tiny sprouts from terra cotta kittens, hippos and Homer Simpson heads may be behind us, the plant that made Chia Pets such a craze in the 80’s and 90’s is making a comeback in health food stores around the country. High in fiber, Omega-3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acid and other minerals, chia seeds have been touted as a new health food in popular health and fitness circles and have stormed the market in the past three years in dozens of new products.

Ready to rekindle your long-lost relationship with your favorite potted pet? You should always ask your weight loss surgeon in Macon before adding any new and unusual foods to your diet, but take a trip to your local health food store and you may just be surprised by how many chia-related products you find.

Ancient History

Before our modern society’s brilliant minds decided to grow it in pots shaped like the heads of cartoon characters, chia seeds were a treasured staple of the ancient Aztec diet. They were so treasured, in fact, that they were often given as gifts to family members, and Aztec warriors would munch on them on their way into battle. The plant’s impact on Central America can still be seen today, as the Mexican state of Chiapas is actually named after the seed.

Though the seed’s edibility was known when they began marketing Chia Pets in the early 80’s, chia seeds didn’t catch on as a food until a recent surge in demand for new products to help people eat healthier. If all this talk has you thinking about digging out your old Chia Pet to see what the seeds taste like, don’t. The seeds for chia pets aren’t cleaned as well as those for eating and don’t go through the same FDA clearing process.

Modern Superfood?

Chia is growing everywhere, but is it worthy of the hype? Though experts say that the nutritional composition of chia seeds makes them promising for cardiac health, research is ongoing into how beneficial they may actually be to aiding weight loss and the prevention of disease. Despite its storied history, there’s a relative lack of scientific data in chia’s efficacy as a nutritional supplement. There’s also evidence that high amounts of chia can cause interactions with blood thinner and blood pressure medications, so take care and talk to Dr. Bagnato before going chia crazy.


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