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Enjoy Eating after Bariatric Surgery

Enjoy Eating after Bariatric Surgery in Albany or MaconA healthy diet will be a necessity after bariatric surgery in Albany or Macon, but it can also be a pleasure. Though you’re giving up the fatty, sugar favorites of the past, the world of healthy foods does not have to be boring or flavorless. Even if you’ve been a picky eater for as long as you can remember, you can learn to love your new diet, and this can be a valuable part of keeping yourself motivated to make healthy choices–not to mention cut down on the level of acid reflux you may have struggled with previously.

It can be hard to stay focused on fulfilling your body’s nutritional needs after bariatric surgery if the foods you’re eating do absolutely nothing to thrill your taste buds. Your stomach capacity is reduced, but this doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the joy of the eating experience. If you’re having trouble adjusting to your diet, you can make healthy eating more enjoyable for you and your family by:

Finding a Few New Favorites

Let’s face it: you might never like Brussels sprouts. There are probably several foods, no matter how healthy, that your palate will never find appealing–and that’s OK. But what about the staggering array of other fresh foods available in your supermarket? There is no limit to your options when it comes to healthy eating—taking the time to explore them can reveal unexpectedly delicious dishes.

Though you should always heed your bariatric surgeon’s guidelines on nutrition and eating, do your best to try one new item every time you shop for food. Keep an open mind and look at every unsuccessful culinary adventure as another valuable learning experience. If an ingredient is off-putting at first, try preparing it in another way or finding a different variety. You may have never been a big fan of boiled broccoli, but you may be surprised by how flavorful it is when roasted.

Improving the Experience

Cooking is an invaluable skill after bariatric surgery, but those without much kitchen experience may find themselves a bit lost. Now is the time to become your own personal chef, to experiment with new cooking techniques, recipes and combinations of flavors that enrich your diet and your mind. Cooking can become an unforgettable hobby if you let it, so spend time now learning how to do it better. With practice, you may find that you enjoy cooking meals more than eating them.

It’s also worth remembering that you don’t have to go through these changes alone. Involving others in your pursuit of a healthy diet can also be a great way to help yourself adapt. Invite friends and family members over for nutritious dinner parties, or get your spouse, children or roommates in on the cooking process. Sometimes, a friendly face and a few good laughs can make a meal unforgettable, even if you don’t much care for the food.

What else has helped you learn to love your diet after bariatric surgery in Albany or Macon? Tell us in the comments below!


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