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Get Positive after Lap Band

Get Positive after Lap BandThe first year after you get your Lap Band in Columbus, Albany or Macon you will be focusing a lot on the act of losing weight, but what happens after the weight comes off? Maybe it is due to past failed attempts, or maybe it is thanks to well-structured focus on the task at hand, but many people who get Lap Band surgery don’t think too much of what happens next. What happens when the weight is gone?

Once you lose weight, you will go through a transitional stage as you adjust to your new normal routine. Your new normal will include things like cooking healthy meals and working out regularly—the things you probably expect. But it will also incorporate a new way of approaching regular tasks. Everything from the way you travel to the way you shop for clothing will change after Lap Band surgery, and that takes some getting used to.

If there is one skill that you can develop as you lose weight that will help you as you transition to your life after Lap Band, it is self-confidence. Having confidence in yourself will help you during the weight loss process, restoring faith in your ability to make big changes in your life and accomplish your goals. But it will also help after you’ve lost weight by encouraging you to form new relationships, advance in your career and adopt an overall positive view of life.

Your new normal will be a lot stronger if you believe in yourself. The first step is building your confidence. Here are a few steps to get started:

  • Let yourself want it. How often have you thought of a goal you’d love to reach, or a prize you’d love to win, but thought again and stopped yourself from working towards it? To build your self-confidence you need to feel free to want things. Remind yourself how badly you want to lose weight and improve your health. Feeling that desire can help motivate you to make healthy choices as you lose weight.
  • Calm down. It isn’t always easy to roll with the punches, but lightening up and trying not to take every aspect of life too seriously can make a pretty big difference in your confidence level. The fact is that everyone makes mistakes and most of the time they aren’t too big of a deal. Berating yourself over small mistakes can destroy whatever self-confidence you have, so calm down!

When you love yourself it becomes easier for others to love you too. Becoming more self-confident takes time, but with a bit of planning and a lot of positive thinking you can become your own biggest fan.


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