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How do I control stress-induced weight gain?

One of the ways to make sure your weight loss surgery is successful is to learn how to control stress eating. Stress eating is basically eating to satisfy emotional needs rather than hunger, and it often results in eating high-calorie foods instead of healthy ones. After all, few people grab a stick of celery for comfort when they’re feeling anxious.

8 Ways To Avoid Stress Eating:

  1. Watch for warning signs of stress such as irritability and muscle tension.
  2. Before you eat, ask yourself why you’re eating. Are you hungry, stressed, or bored?
  3. Identify your comfort foods and keep them out of the house.
  4. Keep a journal of what you eat, when you eat, and how you’re feeling. Look for patterns of stress eating so that you can anticipate and overcome them.
  5. Practice relaxation skills, such as yoga, massage or meditation.
  6. Get adequate sleep. Being overtired can cause additional stress.
  7. Engage in regular exercise. Physical activity can reduce stress levels.
  8. If you find yourself tempted to eat when you’re not hungry, distract yourself with another activity.

Take steps to reduce the amount of stress and anxiety in your life, but know that you will always have a certain amount of stress. Plan ahead and make yourself a list of alternative options for dealing with stress before the desire for stress eating comes up.


One response to “How do I control stress-induced weight gain?”

  1. Instead of picking up that candy bar or bag of cookies or chips. Grab a protein shake or protein bar, make an extra trip to the gym or walk on the tread mill.

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