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Lap Band Healthy Habits on the Road

After Lap Band, Bring your Healthy Habits on the RoadThough summer is a time to take well-deserved vacations away from home in Macon, your weight loss efforts after Lap Band surgery cannot afford to do the same. Keeping up with weight loss after your surgery takes a lot of hard work and commitment, but there are ways to make time for staying on track with your goals—even when you’re on vacation. The closer you stick to your healthy diet and fitness routine while on vacation, the easier it will be for you to transition back into the swing of things once you return home.

Here are some tips for staying on track with your weight loss goals while on the road this summer.

Bring alternative fitness equipment with you. You don’t have to pack free-weights or even kettle bells in your suitcase—all you need is several fun workout DVDs and resistance bands. When your hotel or resort doesn’t have an on-site gym to help you keep up with your fitness routine, you will have a back-up to use right in the comfort of your own room.

DVD workouts are specifically designed to require little space and typically only last between 20 and 30 minutes. Using them in combination with resistance bands is an easy way to fit fitness into your vacation plans. There are plenty of small fitness accessories in addition to bands that you can pack in your suitcase, like a jump rope, an inflatable ball or a pedometer to count every step you take while you sightsee.

Plan activities that keep you moving. It may seem tempting to spend your entire vacation lying on the beach or lounging by the pool, but you should plan activities that require you to move during your trip. Instead of lying on the sandy beach, why not take a walk or jog on the sand in the morning or initiate a game of beach volleyball? Ask your family if they’d enjoy renting bikes to explore the city, or do some shopping instead of spending each day confined to the hotel. Taking a bike ride is an excellent way to burn calories while engaging in low-impact exercise.

Create the ultimate vacation fitness playlist. When you’re getting ready to get your fitness on while on vacation, make sure to listen to your playlist before you begin so you can get warmed up and motivated to start moving. If you have a smart phone, many apps already exist with plenty of motivating fitness music to listen to—try downloading FitRadio or just type cardio workout in the search area of your music application store.

Don’t be afraid to be picky when dining out. Vacations are notorious for dietary splurges, but don’t let yourself give in to this mentality. Though most restaurant dishes come pre-dressed and seasoned with tons of additives and sauces, don’t be afraid to be picky when ordering. Ask the server politely if he or she can have the meal prepared the healthy way to fit into your Lap Band diet.

These are just a few ways to stay on track with your healthy diet and fitness lifestyle after Lap Band while on vacation this summer. Remember to consult your Lap Band surgeon before engaging in any new physical activities before you leave Macon.


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