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Thinking Positive Before You Lose Weight

While many people might consider starting a weight loss program because they’re unhappy with the way they look, research suggests that negative body image may actually make it more difficult to lose weight. If you don’t like the way you look, you may find that it’s even harder to change the way you look. It can be a frustrating cycle of negativity. Find out how to break through to positive thinking and weight loss results.

Tips for Thinking Positive Before You Lose Weight

  • Pay attention to what you like about yourself. Remember that how you look is only one aspect of your identity and practice focusing more of your energy on some of the other aspects that you can more easily appreciate.
  • Look for realistic role models. Put away the fashion magazines and find examples of people who offer you more realistic standards to aim for. Instead of choosing a role model based on appearance, you might also look for someone whose positive attitude inspires you.
  • Spend time doing things you enjoy. If possible, find activities that get your body moving and put a smile on your face.
  • Get something done that you’ve been putting off. This can give you a sense of pride and accomplishment that may help change your negative self image.
  • Dress in clothes that make you feel and look good now. Many people promise they’ll buy new clothes once they’ve lost weight, but being happy with how you look today can actually improve your chances of losing weight in the future.

A few small changes can help you break out of the habit of negative thinking. Once you’ve proven you can achieve small things, you’ll be more likely to take on and achieve bigger goals needed to improve your health.


2 responses to “Thinking Positive Before You Lose Weight”

  1. Amy Grasman, FNP-C Avatar
    Amy Grasman, FNP-C

    Remember to make realistic small goals. You will set yourself up for failure if you try and obtain unrealistic weight loss goals. Try setting smaller goals such as 10 or 15 lbs, that way your goals are within reach. Also remember that if it takes you longer to reach those goals, its o.k. You WILL get there. Keep in close contact with the staff at the Bariatric Institute and Palmyra Surgical and remember that regular follow up appointments are imperative to your weight loss success.

  2. Michelle C. Avatar
    Michelle C.

    You are the only person who can control your thoughts. Waking up each morning and telling yourself you are worth it will make a big difference. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip on a diet or exercise program, nobody is perfect, just pick yourself up and get back on the plan. I agree with Amy, setting small realistic goals will make you feel more successful.

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